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VEGAFLEX 86 - Liquids under extreme pressure and temperature conditions, applications with buildup, foam generation or condensation

VEGAPOINT 21 - Compact capacitive limit switch for the detection of water-based liquids

VEGAVIB 63 - SOLIDS IN WATER LEVEL DETECTION| Level Switch in Minimum and Maximum Control


VEGAFLEX 62 - ROBUST LEVEL SENSOR for Measurement of Liquids and Heavy-Weight Bulk Solids in Average-Size to High Silos

VEGACAP 62 - LEVEL MEASUREMENT OF BULK SOLIDS | Level Measurement in Oil and All Kind Liquids

VEGAFLEX 63 - Level Measurement of Aggressive and Corrosive Liquids as well as in Applications with High Hygienic Requirements

VEGACAP 63 - CORROSIVE TYPE LEVEL SWITCH| Chemical Switch Simple Set-Up and Robust

VEGAFLEX 65 - MICROWAVE GUIDED COAX LEVEL SENSOR for Liquids | Typical Applications are Measurements of Solvents, Fuels and Low Viscosity Liquids

VEGACAP 64 - For adhesive liquids and light, non-abrasive bulk solids

VEGAFLEX 66 - GUIDED RADAR LEVEL SENSOR for Measurement of Liquids and Bulk Solids at High Pressures Up to 400 Bar and Temperatures Up to 400°C

VEGACAP 65 - SOLIDS CLINKER LEVEL SENSOR | All Switch Control Bulk Solids and Non-Conductive Liquids

VEGAFLEX 67 - CONTINUOUS INTERFACE MEASUREMENT | Oil/Water Interface Measurements in Separators

VEGACAP 66 - SILO LEVEL MEASUREMENT| Low Cost and Robust Mechanical Construction

VEGASON 61 - Ultrasonic sensor for continuous level measurement

VEGACAP 67 - LEVEL SENSOR TEMPERATURE UP TO 450°C | Long Lifetime and Low Maintenance Cost

VEGASON 62 - Water Level Transmitter | Process Level Meter

VEGACAP 69 - CONTINUOUS LEVEL SENSOR OF CORROSIVE LIQUIDS | Low Maintenance and High Resistance Material

VEGASON 63 | LOW COST Ultrasonic Sensor | Chemical Process Transmitter